July 2020
Hi Everyone,
As we wind up our FHTA year, there’s a lot going on besides all the events starting back up. Since we are unable to have our annual awards luncheon as we know it, we are doing as much as possible on-line for our members. We are still awarding Title awards to those who have earned enough qualifying scores, as well as High Score awards. We still need more nominations for our High Score awards – if you have any scores that you’ve reported during the year, please email me and sign up for any of the following categories:
Aged Horse (over 17)
Thoroughbred (not OTTB)
Off-the-Track Thoroughbred
Junior (17 & under)
Senior (18-49)
Master (50+)
Most Dressage Scores
(We need more nominations! — especially Aged, TB, Pony, & Junior) Some categories are still blank!) I also need sponsors for the Pony, Barefoot, and Mare categories if anyone is interested in sponsoring for $25.
We have a new sanctioned venue in the Ocala area — West Ocala Horse Events in Morriston at Acres of Love farm. They offer dressage, combined tests, and jumper classes. Their next show is August 2nd. More to follow soon on that via email, or you can check them out on Facebook.
A reminder that membership fees are now due for the upcoming year that begins August 1st. All fees must be paid up for scores to count, so don’t forget to renew right away!
Our on-line silent auction is still in the works – we have some great items up for bid! Our auction will be on our FB page and will run from August 16-30th. I’ll be sending out a list of items that we’ll offer in the next couple weeks.
We also are running our Event-Free raffle, and will be doing it by email this year. This is how it will work: I am listing the venues we are offering a free entry for the upcoming year below. Raffle tickets will be 3/ $5 or 7/ $10. You can email me your choices and I will have tickets that I will fill out with your name and contact info and place them in a cup labeled with each venue offered. You can then go on to Paypal on our website (www.floridahorsetrialsassn.com) and pay the raffle ticket amount. Once I see that you have paid, I’ll put the tickets in the pots. On August 9th, we will video the drawing of the winners and list them on our website, newsletter, and FB page. The raffle will run August 1 – 7th.
I would suggest that you take care of your membership fees first, so you don’t forget — then it’ll be time to send in your Event-Free Raffle choices to me after August 1st. Here are the venues we’ll be raffling entries off for:
Black Dog Farm – Plant City
Gray Lily Farm – Havana (Tallahassee)
Horse Shows in the Park (Weirsdale)
Lakeland Dressage Assn. (Lakeland)
Mahan Farm (Tallahassee )
Misty Morning Hounds (Micanopy)
Parrish Oaks (Dade City)
Partners of the Park (Ocala – schooling show)
Rocking Horse Stables (Altoona – schooling show)
Southcreek Foxhounds (Zephyrhills)
STRIDE Dressage (Ocala)
Sumter Equestrian Center (Bushnell)
Barnstaple South (Ocala – schooling show)
Notting Hill Stables (Reddick)
NE Florida Dressage (Green Cove Springs)
Run for the Ribbons (Ocala)
Majestic Oaks (Ocala – schooling show)
Three Lakes (Groveland – schooling day)
West Ocala Horse Events (Morriston)
So mark your calendars! Nominations for High Score awards NOW!! July – memberships due 8/1 Event-Free Raffle Aug. 1-7 Silent Auction Aug. 16-30
I’ll be sending out reminders as well. Stay cool !!
Carol Ogden
Pres., FHTA Inc.
BELOW: Carol and Jonesy at Barnstaple South Ride-A-Test