Building Your Partnership

Our fearless leader along with a few other FHTAers have taken the spring to work on desensitizing their fire-breathing eventing monsters. Luckily there is a relatively inexpensive way to get exposure to other horses and unusual sights at Ken Najorka’s (Najorka Performance Horses “Harmony with your Horse” clinic series. Located in Ft White, FL, […]

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Jen Holling Clinic

September 2020 Although not officially an FHTA event, 98% of the participants of the Jen Holling clinic at Barnstaple were FHTAers! SO MUCH LAUGING, LEARNING AND FUN!

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Fall Newsletter 2019

Only one more week until our spring Event Camp!  We hope for good weather and a fun weekend for all of you!  I just want to pass along some information that will be helpful for the weekend: Check-in will be at 3:00 Friday.  Please don’t come early, as the stalls will not be ready and […]

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Summer Newsletter 2020

July 2020 Hi Everyone, As we wind up our FHTA year, there’s a lot going on besides all the events starting back up.  Since we are unable to have our annual awards luncheon as we know it, we are doing as much as possible on-line for our members.  We are still awarding Title awards to […]

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Spring Newsletter 2020

February 20 – Now that the event season in Area III is in full swing, our calendars are full – and, as always, volunteers are needed everywhere!  I hope you will do your best to help out when you can, as our sport is so dependent on your  commitment.  I want to remind  our members […]

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