November 16-20, 2022 Morriston, FL
FHTA Sponsored Rider Report: Krista Wilson
Day 1 – Tuesday Nov 16th – Arrivals & Jog practice
Fun day at the Barnstaple Eventing Classic Three Day learning how to correctly do the jog with Peter Gray, Sara Kozumplik, Dorothy Crowell and Danny Moguel. I learned how to correctly hold the reins-1-1.5ft down, to address the POTGJ and hold both reins, then walk 10 m, then trot to the roundabout where you walk, then trot back. We were told to practice this. I volunteered to do the jog and did it correctly….although I was informed that I was lame, Stella looked great! I saw lots of friends and I am so excited to participate in this event! Thanks so much to Derek Strine, the organizers and volunteers who are doing this! It’s really something special!
Day 2 – Wed

Day 2 Action-packed! We started off early with a rider’s meeting at 8am. We met the players who organized this event and the Ground Jury: Heather Gillette and Ashley Johnson. We also found out we were getting awesome t-shirts and saddle pads from sponsors! Then we went to Peter Grey’s dressage presentation which was fantastic! More Bend! I cut out early to go hack roads and track for an hour and had the entire place to myself! Saw some beautiful birds and loved riding alone with Stella. At 12:30, I unhooked my truck so I could be one of the drivers for the phase A-B-C tour with Dorothy Crowell. Unfortunately, many people didn’t follow her directions to get into three or four trucks- there were several golf carts and the plan to use only trucks was ignored by the golf cart folks. Since people didn’t listen, it took alot longer and we actually didn’t get to do the phase B Steeplechase tour.

After the tour, I found Stella braided so beautifully by Mattie Kelly! She looked amazing! The jog was super fun! My barn neighbors,Lindsay and Breanna volunteered to help out- as in, Breanna jogged Stella for me. Thank goodness!!! While I was very disappointed that I didn’t jog Stella, the prior day’s practice made me realize that it was best for someone else to do it. After the jog, but I loaded up Stella and went to Tack Shack to pick up some things I needed for later this weekend. When I got Stella’s braids out and fed her, it was 6:15pm and I decided to skip the Welcome Party at Sara K’s Overlook Farm. I was sad to miss the Vet Box presentation from Max Corcoran, but I needed to rest!
Day 3 – Thursday, Practice & Practice!
Day 3 was so amazing! First up was Novice cross country course walk with Jen Holling. Katie Ruppell and Sara Kozumplik did the other levels! I was pretty stoked to have Jen as she is a lot of fun and she pointed out things like “camber” which I had never heard of! (It’s when the ground rolls away, and can affect how a jump rides.) After that, it was on to the Steeplechase demo with Kyle Carter, who was informative and entertaining. I get to practice it tomorrow after my dressage test in the afternoon.
Tik Maynard did a super cool demonstration with three horses showing how to get each over a ditch and into water. I later tried to “send” Stella into the trailer, which was funny. (I wasn’t successful, but my friend, Lindsay got her on using the method quite nicely!)
My Ride a Test was in the afternoon and was very discouraging: I had practiced the test in a 20 X 60 for weeks and today was the first time I had ever rode it in a 20 x 40! It was a disaster and so, there was that. Oh well.
Stella got some Magnawave therapy from MLS Pulse with Melissa and I loved spending time catching up with her! Plus Stella loved it!
Finally, I attended the dinner where Sinead Maynard was the guest speaker and she gave me a few things to think about in regards to connection. Are you connected with your horse? Yourself? Your team or herd? Your skill set? You can listen to her talk here: Sinead Halpin
I enjoy listening to her and I can’t wait to trot down center line tomorrow morning, bright and early at 8:12am..
Day 4 – Friday Dressage & More Learning!

Day 4 A very busy day! 6AM- meet braider. 8:12AM, head down center line- felt so much better about my warmup and had a nice test for a 30.5. I was very grateful to Lindsay Barrack for warming me up in the cold. We need to work on our connection in the trot- and I might take a field trip to Mahan Farm to do that soon! Despite the cool weather, Stella was awesome. She tries so hard to please, she is such a wonderful horse! (I still hated doing the test in a small arena and really flubbed some movements, but I did learn that if it’s available to do in both rings- practice in BOTH rings because the omnibus means nothing.) After that, braids came out and I went to watch the Lauren Nicholson and Buck Davidson cross country demo (Photo credit: Lisa Madren). They were funny and it was great to watch. I walked my cross country course a second time.

After a quick Publix , it was time for Steeplechase practice- but before that, I went out on Roads and Track on Stella and tried to do the course at the correct speed, walking, trotting and cantering. I got in 2.5 minutes early, so I need to canter less tomorrow. Next up was scary steeplechase! We had to gallop to a triple bar, then gallop up a hill to a brush jump. We had stops at everything, and I found out that I might need to listen more to the instruction! We eventually got it right and I was comforted by Lisa Madren who said- “You were not the only one who had that trouble!” Thank goodness! She also took this pictureof the culte pony in the vet box demo.
I was delighted to find my dressage test that I had lost within a few minutes of picking it up from the office! I had left it in Katie Emerson’s horse’s blanket, which I took off around noon and gave to Betty Tsitrian to hang up. I am loading up on electrolytes tonight for the big endurance day tomorrow! I am excited!
Day 5 – Endurance!!!

Day 5

What an incredible day! I was absolutely terrified of the steeplechase phase as the jumps were a bit intimidating and we were supposed to gallop at them. But, we did it and although we had a stop at the 2nd jump, we finally got the hang of it and wow! Was it fun!!!
Unfortunately, I forgot to start my watch at the beginning, so I came into Steeplechase phase 77 seconds late! We also had time faults on phase C pf roads and track, but my grooms, Keegan Oswald and Pam Paulk did a fabulous job in the vet box and Stella wwas cleared for cross country! She jumped the entire course out of a new gear and it was an incredible feeling! We did have a couple of drive-bys at the corner but honestly, that’s an easy fix! We finished endurance day and both Stella and I felt physically good afterwards! (PC: Lisa Madren)
Check out our XC video here:
Day 6 – SJ & Awards

Day 6 That’s a wrap! Stella and I had a clean, clear and careful show jumping round today. We chipped a couple and added in many of the lines- but that is my wonderful mare- being careful on the wet grass. We are now at about 2 or 2.5 years without a rail in stadium. I heard us touch one during our round and was like- “Not today, Satan!” We got a cool medal for finishing our first long format show. The clinics were amazing, the prizes and swag were lovely and will be cherished! And the fun times we had were just great. Thanks to the organizers, volunteers and people who dreamed of this- it was a very special event and I will never forget it!

(PC: Lisa Madren)